The Telanagana Chief Minister Mr K ChandraShekhar Rao launched KCR Kit or Amma Vodi scheme for Pregnant women. This scheme provides financial assistance to poor pregnant women.
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As part of this scheme the pregnant women can utilize for maximum to deliveries. But she should give birth at any Government hospital. Then only she can avail this KCR Scheme or Amma Vodi benefit.
KCR Kit - Amma Vodi Scheme Objectives
Why Amma Vodi Pathakam started. It is Government decision to protect health of pregnant women and new born baby
- Provide quality health care products during the pregnancy and post delivery too.
- Promote Government hospitals
- New born baby healthy
- Reduce Maternal Morality rate and Infant morality rate
Amma Vodi Pathakam Benefits
KCR Kit scheme provides a free transport facilities in an ambulance. The vehicle will pick up as well as drop at home after health check up.
Many good health products are giving to Mother and new born baby.
Items under KCR Kit
- Special Mother and Child care soap
- Newborn Baby bed, Baby Oil
- Baby mosquitoes net
- Sarees for Mother
- Hand Bags
- Towel and Napkins
- Dresses for Baby
- Baby Powder
- Diapers
- Baby Shampoo
- Kid Toys
KCR Kit-Amma Vodi Amount
The Telangana Government is providing financial assistance to the pregnant women and new born baby.
The amount is 12000 if you gave birth to baby boy and 13000 if you gave birth to baby girl.
You will receive the amount in 4 installments.
Time | Amount |
1st Installment | 3000/- |
2nd Installment | 5000/- for female child; 4000/- for male child |
3rd Installment | 2000/- |
4th Installment | 3000/- |
Eligibility Criteria
- Women should be from Telangana State Only
- Women should give birth at Government hospital only
- First and Second delivery only
- Should have a valid Aadhar card
KCR Kit Scheme - Amma Vodi Registration
- Women can register at nearest Primary Health Centre, Government Hospital or through the ASHA Workers by providing details to them
- Data Entry Operator or ANM will register your application by taking all the information from you such as Aadhar Number, Name, Age, Address, Contact details, LMP date, Bank Account etc
Final Words
KCR Kit is a really very good scheme by Telangana Government. Many poor women are availing benefit.
We hope you understood complete details about Telangana Amma Vodi Pathakam such as KCR Kit Scheme eligibility, benefits, amount, registration etc
KCR Kit is a really very good scheme by Telangana Government. Many poor women are availing benefit.
We hope you understood complete details about Telangana Amma Vodi Pathakam such as KCR Kit Scheme eligibility, benefits, amount, registration etc